Through these unprecedented times, everyone- including pageant girls- are needing to adapt. I don’t think I have ever been more thankful for social media and our online capabilities! Below I discuss some thoughts for advocacy and platform development even while staying at home.
Social Media Presence. Want to be an advocate for a cause? Make a social media presence. Start an instagram, facebook page, website, blog about what you care about. If it were me, I would start with instagram. Post why you care about this cause, post facts, post further links, etc. Garner followers and voila! You have become an advocate through your social media presence! You never know who you could effect by a simple post!
For instance, let’s say my platform/cause is about promoting the importance of mental health. I could start by making an instagram with my platform title, ie. “Mind over Matter”. My first few posts would introduce myself and why I care about this cause. In further days, I could post mental health resources, cheerful videos, facts about mental health, vlogs about my experiences, tips for positive thinking, etc.
As I develop this further, I could even start special weekly posts. Ie. Tip Tuesdays or Manic Mondays… maybe posting a picture of a meditation or something peaceful to “calm the manic Monday”.
Use strategic hashtags and tag interested people to engage more potential followers.
Back in my pageant day, girls would create blogs and websites. Though I still think that is great- social media gives you the opportunity to share info in a quick, accessible, and fun way! Get creative and get to work! A lot can be done from the comfort of your couch :)
Social Media Presence. Want to be an advocate for a cause? Make a social media presence. Start an instagram, facebook page, website, blog about what you care about. If it were me, I would start with instagram. Post why you care about this cause, post facts, post further links, etc. Garner followers and voila! You have become an advocate through your social media presence! You never know who you could effect by a simple post!
For instance, let’s say my platform/cause is about promoting the importance of mental health. I could start by making an instagram with my platform title, ie. “Mind over Matter”. My first few posts would introduce myself and why I care about this cause. In further days, I could post mental health resources, cheerful videos, facts about mental health, vlogs about my experiences, tips for positive thinking, etc.
As I develop this further, I could even start special weekly posts. Ie. Tip Tuesdays or Manic Mondays… maybe posting a picture of a meditation or something peaceful to “calm the manic Monday”.
Use strategic hashtags and tag interested people to engage more potential followers.
Back in my pageant day, girls would create blogs and websites. Though I still think that is great- social media gives you the opportunity to share info in a quick, accessible, and fun way! Get creative and get to work! A lot can be done from the comfort of your couch :)