Our country has a problem with our relationship with food. For me, clean eating has helped my relationship with food be so much more healthy (pun intended!). Eating good, natural, whole foods can be delicious and fun! Once I got most of the processed, chemical foods out of my system, I didn't crave them anymore. I felt satisfied when I ate clean. I felt so much better physically and mentally. When you give your body the nutrients it needs and desires so badly- it gets happy! My skin and hair began to glow more, I had more energy, I slept better, and I overall felt amazing!
What works for everyone is different, but I try to eat clean with an 80/20 ratio. Eat clean 80% of the time and relax a bit the other 20% of the time. I still love certain treats and non-clean foods and it's okay to have them every now and then! We all know that life happens, and I want to be able to enjoy eating out at restaurants, have a piece of birthday cake, or enjoy some movie theatre popcorn here and there. ;) When I take care of myself most of the time though and take in good, nutrient-rich foods, straying is okay here and there, in my mind.
I remember at first feeling so overwhelmed trying to switch to living a more clean lifestyle. It doesn't have to be though! Baby steps will get you there too :) I dove right in and jumped off the cliff, but starting with small changes can help significantly too! Try having a piece of fruit and whole grain oats for breakfast. Try packing a piece of fruit for your afternoon snack instead of a processed pre-packaged item. Have more lean proteins like chicken and turkey. Take time to prepare meals so that you can pack your lunches. Less fast food, more home-cooked goodness! Many of your favorite recipes can be made clean also. Check out www.thegraciouspantry.com for tons of recipes, tips, and info on how to help you start your own clean eating adventure!